The next motor will be a 800W geared rear hub drive Q128H with 750W controller and a 48V battery.
This combination is right at the edge of a street legal setup here in USA where we're limited to only 750W. I'll have several bike options for this motor setup, but the first will be a men's Sixthreezero EVRYjourney.
Pre production prototype bike in photo shown with a sweet little TSDZ2 500W mid drive motor. This motor was built for this bike! The production bikes will have no zip ties! Everything will be routed inside the frame. I even ran out of black zip ties! Now that I look at it in the photo, the white zip ties are a bit embarrassing to me, but ya use what ya got sometimes.
I have so many options for motors and bikes to use these days that blow the high priced factory bikes completely out of the water as far as reliability and power at less than half the price, that it's enough to make my head spin trying to decide on what to do next. I always have 5 or 6 projects floating around in my mind at a time. In my case, the projects are 3-5 different classes of bikes with different power level motors.
What I want to do is not always what I should be doing.
I've made the decision to concentrate on building street legal bikes for the moment. If I had all the money and time in the world, I would already have my 2000W and 3000W Cyclone bikes finished and ready for test rides. I have everything for them except the 52V 20Ah batteries. This is what I really want to be working on, but the batteries are a bit expensive, even though I'll be building them myself. I'll also be building custom battery boxes for these Cyclone bikes, and that's something I just don't have the time to work on for the moment. At some point, I'll be outsourcing carbon fiber battery boxes for these bikes, and that's one big project by itself.
What I should be doing, and have decided to concentrate on, are the street legal bikes for the company I work for Beachbikes Torrance. I'll be selling the Cyclone bikes myself under the name Duke's Moto Electric, but my employers have no interest in selling anything that powerful. The company owner has told me that once the bikes are complete, as in out of the prototype stage they're in now, that he would put them on his website. That's what I was waiting to hear all summer. The best news of the past decade for me! So now I need to get busy hiding wires in frame, and loosing all the zip ties I used to get the prototypes together.
The next project bike will also be using the EVRYjourney, but will have a 500W Q motor, and then after that, a smaller 350W Q100 motor. Eventually the EVRYjourneys will also be available with BBS02 and BBSHD motor options.
Photo of Q motors stolen from ES.
Sometimes you need to start with baby steps. In my case I started a little faster than that, then went to the fastest stuff available. Now I'll be working backwards before moving forward up the speed ladder again, but it will happen!