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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Introduction To Lithium Batteries

I think everyone has done a video on exploding Lithium batteries by now, and as usual, a lot of it is hype. The ones to stay away from are Lipo's. Let the RC car guys keep their Lipo's. For ebikes, it's best to stick with the safe 18650, 2070, or 2170 format for now. Lipo can be used safely on ebikes, but it's not for people (most people) who like to set it and forget it. Safe to say that I won't be selling any bikes with Lipo batteries.

 Don't buy cheap ebikes built offshore! Even if you don't want to build your own battery pack, the video's below will help you to make a more educated decision about battery selection so this doesn't happen to you. This photo from the Newport Beach Fire Department. 

So here's some battery video's you may enjoy. 
You know you're hooked when you get excites seeing a couple cases of battery cells about to be made into a battery pack! 

First video is from Damian Rene. I have his Youtube link on the side bar if you want to see more of his work. Also, if you're in Europe and need a new battery, you might want to contact Damian first.

 The second video is from our friend (ElectricBike) Bruno Bari Buccianti. You can find his link on the side bar as well. He's in Australia. If you're on that side of the world and need some ebike stuff, try giving him a shout first.

 The third video is from Micah at Ebike School. Micah has a ton of good video's on everything ebike, and even has published a couple books on the subject. If you're just starting to learn about ebikes, then Micah's Ebike School is an excellent place to get started. He's in Israel, so if you're in that part of the world, give him a shout. Link on side bar.

That's it for now. This would be too long of a post if I added everything battery related to it. Some of the other stuff I want to cover in their own posts are:
Exploding batteries.
Chinese fake cells.
Plug ends for charging and discharging.
Fast charge vs slow charge. 
The future of battery technology.
Why you want a 20s 8p pack over a 10s 3p pack, and how to read those numbers and letters.

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